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Caring for Someone Who Hoards

— Lots of us have collections. Maybe you bring home a new refrigerator magnet from every vacation destination you visit. Perhaps you love jewelry and have a statement necklace for every occasion. Maybe rare baseball cards are carefully stored and organized in a box in your basement. But compulsive hoarding is different from an out-of-control collection... Read More

Understanding End-of-Life Setting Options

— If you could choose where you wanted to spend your final days, where would that be? Whatever the preference or circumstances of someone who is nearing the end of their life, understanding the care setting options is key to creating a plan that helps ensure the greatest comfort for the individual and their family. At... Read More

8 Stress-Busting Tasks for Family Caregivers

— During the pandemic, the role of family caregivers has increased, experts report. Caring relatives and friends have spent many hours keeping older loved ones safe, providing hands-on care, transportation, shopping for their loved ones, and doing what they could to support elders in senior living communities during quarantine. They’ve even been providing more tech support... Read More